Saturday, February 1, 2014


  1. Kami telah berpengalaman dalam membantu menyelesaikan disertasi yang sulit. Disertasi yang sulit biasanya ditandai dengan topic dan tema-tema baru yang sedang tren dan penting.
  2. Konsumen kami tersebar dari berbagai universitas di jakarta, di tangerang, di depok, di bekasi hingga bandung dan yogyakarta. Kami juga memiliki divisi riset untuk membantu mahasiswa asing atau mahasiswa yang kuliah di universitas luar negeri seperti Curtin, Harvard, MIT, dan Nottingham.
  3. bagi anda yang berminat kuliah di program pascasarjana S3 di luar negeri, disarankan agar anda berkonsultasi dulu ke kami sebelum anda masuk ke program pascasarjana S3, sehingga dapat diketahui bakat dan kemampuan fisik anda.
  4. Lakukan persiapan sejak dini. Anda perlu menghubungi kami sebelum masuk S3, sehingga anda dapat mengetahui strategy dan langkah tepat untuk mengikuti perkuliahan dengan benar.
  5. Kami akan memberikan panduan lengkap agar anda dapat menyeimbangkan waktu dan tenaga agar sukses kuliah S3.
  6. Jasa Bantu Disertasi  mengembangkan strategi-strategi baru untuk mengolah  gagasan dan pengalaman anda ke dalam bentuk tulisan.
  7. Disertasi yang dihasilkan adalah murni gagasan anda. Kami hanya membantu mengatur agar sesuai kaidah ilmiah dan bermutu bagus.
  8. Disertasi dan tesis yang dihasilkan akan diperiksa dengan dan untuk menjamin bahwa buatan kami selalu orisinal.
  9. Kami menjamin bahwa anda akan lulus cum laude jika mengikuti semua saran dan petunjuk yang kami berikan.
  10. Kami membatasi jumlah klien per tahun 20-30 orang sehingga dapat berkonsentrasi membantu client dengan lebih cepat.
  11. Disarankan selama kuliah, anda menemui konsultan, sehingga masalah potensial dapat diantisipasi sebelum kesulitan datang.

Untuk berkonsultasi, hubungi thomas Lucas (PT Dinamika Riset Jakarta). 081 2946 35021.

We will help you to do Assignment and paper with international quality. The paper will be checked with and

e provide service to help the graduate and doctoral student on their assignment and papers of the major functional areas of business including management, marketing, accounting, finance, and information technology, as well as core topics such as ethics and social responsibility, forms of ownership, small business, and international business.
Guarantee of professional service: Jasa Bantu Disertasi was developed in partnership with over 20 doctoral experts from across the country to meet the learning, study, and assessment goals necessary for client’s success.
  1. We guarantee your Success of becoming a Master Student and Doctoral Student. Before beginning your academic program, we will assist you to understand what you will be learning, why it’s important, and where to go for help with questions.
  2. We have strategy on real academic experience to help you engage and provide a context for the material concepts.
  3. We will be your friend that reminds you of core concepts to be addressed.
  4. We will also give you shortcut and Key Terms and definitions for easy step to become doctoral student.
  5. Our method in assisting clients is proven to allow clients to quickly assess their understanding and mastery of their assignment and difficulties.
  6. We will increase your efficiency and save your time and handling all your difficulties including exploring the Internet, managing Critical papers, preparing the research proposal, and repair your research documents.
  7. We also examine the Journals and tie the text material to the real experiences in the real world.
  8. Our team present factual data in an easy to understand, illustrated presentation and place chapter concepts in a real-world context.
  9. Our team will prepare you to follow COMPRE-TEST (UJIAN COMPRE) by giving you real cases apply concepts in the text to real-world companies. Topics include IKEA’s target market, Border’s commitment to employee satisfaction, and the success of the Harry Potter franchise.
  10. We also have Running a Business video cases to help you understand the conclusion of each major lesson and major class handbook.
  11. We will handle your research in the functional areas of business: management, marketing, accounting, finance, and information technology. We also handle trend and issue such as ethics and social responsibility, forms of business ownership, small business concerns, and international issues.
  12. For the dissertation of Harvard Style, they tend to be more closely examines economics, the role of teams, customer relationship management, and globalization.
  13. This is our competence of updating and revitalizing the content of your dissertation, redesigning your entire dissertation program to highlight its strengths to ensure clients success and mastery with their dissertation content.
  14. We will give you a Guide to Success to draw ideas directly from the Manager of Jasa Bantu Disertasi (JBD) Jakarta.
  15. We can give you special schedule to quickly assess your understanding of the content and to hone your content mastery skills by applying text material to your own experiences.

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